Monday, July 16, 2012

The Ballot Box Revolution

It matters naught what we the people desire. The apathy that has infected this country and it's citizens is slowly eating away at the founding principles. Our founding fathers desired better than what they left in Britain. Yet here we sit not 400 years from the inception of this country and we have slid into the abyss of a society that ignores the historical precedent of those gone before. It took a much longer period of time to bring down established empires such as Rome, Greece and Persia yet in the true arrogance of the United States, and it's Government, we will succeed in accomplishing our downfall in record time when compared to history.

Don't believe that what I am saying is true? Watch the never ending news cycle. Watch the partisan MSM, whether it's CNN, FOX, MSNBC or one of the others. If you are a die hard Democrat or die hard Republican then you are as much a part of the problem as those we elected. They, Republican or Democrat, care nothing for the people who elect them. Wake the hell up and see this.

Ladies and Gentlemen you are not limited to simply a Republican or Democrat for candidates. You have a choice and it's not limited to simply 2 parties or their selected and corrupt choice for a candidate. You have other candidates to choose from and the only way we the people can effect the change we seek and desire is by breaking away from the 2 party choices on the ballot. Vote for one of the other parties. Libertarian or Green. Independent or Martian. Whatever it may be there are viable options to the 2 large political parties and it's time we exercise our right to vote as we wish and not by listening to the propaganda that spews from the machine that is the Democrat or Republican party.

We the people is not just a catchy phrase that begins our Constitution. It is the phrase that EMPOWERS the citizens of this country to elect who they wish. We MUST elect those who would be representative of the people that voted them into office. This current Government is neither representative of We the People nor is it a Government that will do the work of those who elected them to the office they hold.

The next time a major election comes along take the time to review ALL candidates from EVERY political party. Don't just blindly believe what the 2 big political machines will tell you. They don't give a damn about we the people. It's about power and nothing more. If the current mindless drivel emanating from the bowels of D.C. hasn't convinced you of this then you are truly a mindless automaton. It is apparent that is about power and nothing more when you have people who continually return to D.C. every election cycle and yet they accomplish so very little that matters to us their constituents. Get your heads out of the sand and do a reality check before it's too late.



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